Laurel Hill ES Vitrual Opening!
2024-2025 SY
Why a "virtual Opening"?
Thursday, August 15th
3:00 PM-5:00 PM
A-M @ 3:00 PM
N-Z @ 4:00 PM
All classes will have individual back to school night sessions. Parents will go directly to the classrooms; there is no large group meeting.
Session 1: 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM
Session 2: 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM
Back to School Night
Wednesday, September 18th
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Accessing Required Trainings in MyPDE
Collaborative learning
CLT Expectations
Collaborative Teams
FCPS priorities for collaboration:
Check out this GREAT RESOURCE about PLC in FCPS. This contains wonderful information about Professional Learning Communities.
Team Leader Expectations
This group will be comprised of specialist leaders and the team leaders of each grade level. The purpose of this group will be to disseminate information to grade level teams, and to strengthen collaboration skills throughout the county. Team members are expected to have taken a meeting facilitation training (i.e. Ann Delehant, Adaptive Schools, Cognitive Coaching) or will be willing to go to training possibilities to work on those skills.
Professional Learning Communities (PLC Cycle)
Working Agreements
How Teams Improve
They transfer what they already know how to do between members.
They discover something new from another team and use it.
They learn something new together and apply it.
Parent Communications
Positive Phone Call or Note Home
IEP/504/Medical Flag
Procedures for Viewing IEPs in SIS
Procedures for Viewing IEPs (Classroom Teachers)
1: Will all levels, K-12, have access to view IEPs in TeacherVUE in SIS?
Answer: All levels will have access; however, students must be assigned to their teacher’s class section in SIS to view IEPs in TeacherVUE.
2: How will elementary (Art, PE, Music, etc.) specialists view IEPs in SIS TeacherVUE as they are not the teacher of record in SIS?
Answer: Currently elementary (Art, PE, Music, etc.) specialists do not have access to
3: TeacherVUE in the SIS, so they will continue to access IEPs via GET-IEP.
Will the rollout be staggered (for example by region)?
Answer: No. Access to IEPs in TeacherVUE in SIS will be accessible once teacher assignments are finalized in SIS at the beginning of the school year.
4: Is the transfer of data from SEA-STARS to SIS TeacherVUE real time?
Answer: Data will be transferred from SEA-STARS to SIS TeacherVUE every 15 minutes.
5: How much training is needed?
Answer: No extra training is required. Information has been updated on the SIS TeacherVue documentation page in the IT Service Catalog. SBTS are aware of this new feature and will be able to demonstrate accessing IEPs during their school-based trainings.
6: Will TeacherVUE track when a teacher has viewed a student’s IEP?
Answer: FCPS will no longer track when an IEP has been viewed. Since teachers have access to view IEPs electronically in TeacherVUE, teachers are expected to view assigned IEPs as part of their professional responsibility.
IMPORTANT IEP, 504, and Medical flag protocols
You are required to honor all IEPs, 504s, and Medical Flag Alerts for those designated students. This information is within SIS. Please ensure you educate yourself on these students.
GET-IEP will still be required for elementary (Art, PE, Music, etc.) specialists who do not have access to TeacherVUE.
Multi-Tiered System of support (Mtss)
1. Multi-Tiered System of Support is a framework for looking at how we plan for our instructional practices. In this model, our core instruction should meet 80% of our students’ needs. Those who need something additional, will take part in intervention.
2. If more than 20% of a grade level is identified for intervention, it’s likely that the core instruction at that grade level needs to be modified.
Collaborative teams and individual teachers are responsible for discussing students and planning for interventions at the Tier 2 and 3 level.
3. Team leaders and administrators are available to help with the data collecting/analysis, planning, assessment and strategy selection for this.
4. Kid talk is a required conversation at the CLT level before a local screening referral is written and submitted.
5. We will continue to strengthen our best practices so that our core is solid. Differentiation of instruction, Math Workshop, Reading Workshop and Writing Workshop are a part of this core.
Universal design of learning (UDL)
Portrait of a graduate
Teacher Evaluation
Key components of the evaluation process:
Click Here for up to date information on the Teacher Evaluation process.
Staff/Student Rights and Responsibilities
Bullying is any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma.
‘Bullying’ includes cyberbullying. ‘Bullying’ does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.
Key Elements of Bullying: Intentionally aggressive behavior designed to inflict harm Repetitive behavior planned into the future Interpersonal relationship marked by an imbalance of power Please see http://bit.ly/1Ey40tI for more information.
Harassment is a course of conduct which annoys, threatens, intimidates, alarms, or puts a person in fear of his or her safety. Harassment is unwanted, unwelcome and uninvited behavior that demeans, threatens or offends the victim and results in a hostile environment for the victim and bystanders. Harassing behavior may include, but is not limited to epithets; derogatory comments or slurs and lewd propositions; assault; impeding or blocking movement; offensive touching or any physical interference with normal school activity, work or movement, and visual insults such as derogatory posters or cartoons.
All reports of harassment and bullying (whether founded or not) must be reported to JAM.
Title XI
According to the U.S. Department of Education, “Title IX protects students, employees, applicants for admission and employment from all forms of sex discrimination, including discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity…in all aspects of a [school division’s]
educational program and activities.”
Some key points about this include:
Staff Information
Leave Slips
Read the Staff Handbook
Laurel Hill Keys and Furniture